Client Testimonials

Client Testimonials2018-12-17T17:14:33+00:00


J. L., Boston, MA


April 26th, 2008|Categories: Testimonial|

X. L., Raleigh, NC

我和贵所的合作是非常愉快的。 我是一个在校的博士生。在我第三年学业刚满的时候,我开始寻求办绿卡的途径。虽然我一共有10篇期刊、会议文章,但是我没有任何的引用。由于这个原因因,很多律师都不看好我的案子。我一共试了5家律师事务所,只有贵所愿意接我这个案子,帮我办NIW。另外,虽然不是便宜很多,贵所的收费也是这几家事务所中比较少的。 正式签和约是2006年6月的事情。等我资料准备齐全的时候已经是2007年 3月了。这其间贵所的咨询服务都是很让我满意的。打电话、写邮件都会有回应,我递交任何信件草稿都会很快的给我修改意见。在我将材料全部递交给贵所以后,律师根据我的具体情况让我补充了一些证明我的研究影响力的材料,我想就是这些补充资料确保了我的140在2007年9月无补件要求就一次性顺利通过! 2007年7月,是485大放水的日子,我也赶上了这一次的顺风车。这么快就递交了485是我之前没有敢想象的,我很感谢贵所帮我走到这一步,为我毕业就业解决了大问题!

December 26th, 2007|Categories: Testimonial|

Y. I., Ames, Iowa

At first I would like to thank you for all your kind help and support during the two years' GC application period. Finally, both my Eb1a and NIW applications are approved. It is such a [...]

December 26th, 2007|Categories: Testimonial|

S. L., Baton Rouge, LA

I received the notice last Friday and was very pleased. I always feel that my case for Eb1-A is not strong. Thank you very much for the wonderful job you and your group have done.

November 26th, 2007|Categories: Testimonial|

Z. L., Huntsville, Alabama

I'm very happy to let you know that my wife and I finally received our greencards. It's been 3 long years, but we have been very lucky to have your support and help along the [...]

November 26th, 2007|Categories: Testimonial|

W. S., Baton Rouge, Louisiana

I just received an email notice of the approval of my NIW petition. I am very pleased that both my Eb-1a and NIW got approved with your help. Thank you so much for your excellent [...]

November 26th, 2007|Categories: Testimonial|
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