

2018-12-15T00:00:02+00:00April 13th, 2018|Categories: Success Story|Tags: , |

Postdoc Researcher: Diabetic Nephropathy & Kidney Disease

Response-to-RFE: Approval in Five Days for a Self-petitioned NIW from NSC Following the NIW approval in 5 days for a self-petitioned NIW case, our firm received another NIW approval in 5 days, which is quite remarkable for a case filed with the Nebraska Service Center. The applicant filed the NIW on September 29, 2005. The [...]

2018-05-21T00:14:29+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: , |

Biomedical Engineer: Diabetic Foot Disease

NIW Approval for Applicant working at Private Company Vermont Service Center lately approved an NIW petition filed on behalf of an applicant working in a private biotech company in Pennsylvania. The NIW was filed on October 13, 05 and approved December 6, 05. No RFE. This is another NIW approval for applicants working at private [...]

2017-12-07T07:28:25+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: |

Research Assistant: Environment Toxicology

Response-to-RFE Approval for a Self-petitioned NIW This law office recently responded an RFE on behalf a Ph. D student in Rhode Island. The NIW was approved three weeks after the response was submitted. The beneficiary filed a self-petitioned NIW in 2003 when he was a second year Ph. D student in pharmacology and toxicology. An [...]

2017-12-07T07:28:56+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: |

Biomedical Engineer: Human Movement Research and Rehabilitation

B12(Outstanding Professor/Researcher) and NIW Approval Our immigration professionals helped file an EB12 (sponsored by employer) and an NIW on behalf of a research engineer in a medical research institute in Ohio. Both cases were approved in the Nebraska Service Center. No RFEs. The beneficiary is a Co-investigator of research projects funded by two NIH grants, [...]

2017-12-07T07:29:19+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: |

PERM Approval for a Ceramics Engineer in 7 Days

Based on our years of experience and skill with labor certification cases (traditional and RIR), we are equally successful in obtaining approvals for PERM cases for our clients. We work on PERM cases for a wide range of occupations and professions for clients located all across the United States. Examples of some of the types of [...]

2017-12-07T07:29:45+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: , |

Biomedical Engineer: Human Movement Research and Rehabilitation

B1-2(Outstanding Professor/Researcher) and NIW Approval Our immigration professionals helped file an EB12 (sponsored by employer) and an NIW on behalf of a research engineer in a medical research institute in Ohio. Both cases were approved in the Nebraska Service Center. No RFEs. The beneficiary is a Co-investigator of research projects funded by two NIH grants, [...]

2017-12-07T07:30:34+00:00September 27th, 2017|Categories: Success Story|Tags: |

Biomedical Engineer: Biomaterials, Drug Delivery and Tissue Engineering

I-140 (EB-1A) Approved in 1 Month In October 2006, our immigration professionals helped file an EB1A on behalf of a research scientist working in a small sized pharmaceutical company in Southern California. The I-140 was approved by the Texas Service Center (TSC) in November 2006. No RFE was issued. The client, Dr. M, received his [...]

2017-12-07T07:38:12+00:00November 27th, 2006|Categories: Success Story|Tags: |