S. Y., Augusta, Georgia
我是去年九月份自己递交的NIW,10月下旬收到了Texas Service Center的RFE补件通知。我的朋友知道我的情况后,推荐了你们所。他本人的NIW是请你们所递交补件并顺利获得批准的。我的RFE补件于1月11日寄出,1月16日获得批准。批准速度之快,出乎我的预料。从提交绿卡申请,到补充文件,到批准,总共用了4个月。感触比较深的一点是:我找到了一个经验丰富、认真负责的好律师。 着手准备材料时已是11月初,假期即将开始,而我的推荐人还没有着落。RFE明确要求提供独立推荐人的推荐信。由于递件后一个月就收到了RFE,我没有新的材料可以递交。律师分析了我的情况后,建议我将重点放在寻找独立推荐人的信,并根据我的情况精心起草了索要推荐信的Email。令我欣喜的是,发出的Email陆续都有了回音,包括来自欧洲的回信,但都要求我首先提供一个草稿。 这时候正值圣诞节假期前夕,时间很紧迫。我必须在新年过后收到所有签字的推荐信。我的律师非常认真、配合,仔细修改我的草稿,而且非常及时回复我的询问。我的律师的敬业精神令人钦佩。有好几次我在加州时间晚上8、9点钟打电话过去协商准备材料,他们都很热情。圣诞节当天,我的律师还打电话给我,他们正在准备我的补件材料,需要与我核实一些信息。 经过我和律师事务所的共同努力,新年过后几天,休假回来的推荐人将信件寄回给我。律师建议从欧洲的信直接寄到律师事务所,以免转信耽误时间。律师事务所将精心准备的补件材料通过快件寄给移民局。5天之后我的NIW获得批准。 在此,我由衷地感谢贵所为我所付出的辛勤劳动。是因为他们的丰富经验、精湛的专业知识和忘我的工作精神才圆了我的NIW之梦。
H. X., State College, PA
With the help of you, my NIW was approved in less than two months, submitted on 10/13/05, and got approved on 12/6/05. No RFE. When I was wondering around to find ideas and help to [...]
Y. J., Los Angeles, CA
It is such a pleasure to receive the approval news of my EB1a petition from the law office today. I feel very appreciated to great efforts and glad to share my story. My background is [...]
C. Y., Ames, IA
I feel lucky to select the your law firm to handle my greencard application. The service is excellent, the lawyers are extremely Knowledgeable and responsible, and their advices are all to the point. I am [...]
J. X., Kingston, RI
I submitted I-140 application myself to Vermont service center when I was a second year Ph D candidate. I got the RFE from USCIS two years later. My friend recommended your law firm to me when [...]
H. W., Los Angeles, CA
I got to know Miao Hai when I first applied for my H-1 visa through the law office she works at. Her knowledge and always-available attitude impressed me the most. The case went through smoothly [...]